The agricultural revolution has changed day by day on the farming crops production methods. The farmers are taking an interest in modern farming methods instead of traditional ones. The use of chemicals in modern farming technology though gave farmers huge profits but it is very harmful to human life. Bring new diseases and creates harmful pollution for the environment. The Indian prime minister told the global community that India focusing on the Zero Budget Natural Farming highlighted in the 2019 budget doubles the farmers’ income. In this post, we will discuss all the zero budget natural farming in India and the success stories of that farming method.
#What Is Zero Budget Natural Farming?
Zero budget natural farming is an innovative farming method that developed all over the Indian states. This farming method gains success mainly in south India, as the farmers of that place show interest in doing this farming in natural ways. This is mainly the farming practice of traditional ways not random use of chemical fertilizer in farming fields and crops. This method was first evolved in Karnataka where it mostly developed. Mr. Subhash Paleker who is born in Karnataka introduced this innovative natural farming practice to the PM. Zero budget farming technology helps to reduce the expenses in farming and promotes the use of natural fertilizer and also increases the use of local seeds.
Chemical-free natural farming involves natural farming development without using any chemical compost. In this farming process, the farmers can use cow urine, dung, plants, human excreta, earthworms, etc. It reduces the farmer’s investment and protects the soil from pollution.
#4 Pillars of Zero Budget Farming:
We here discuss four pillars that support zero budget farming. You must carefully read this portion to avoid skipping important information.
1. Jeevamrutha:
The most important and first pillar of zero budget farming method is Jeevamrutha which is blended with cow’s dung and urine as a natural fertilizer. The preparation for this farming is very easy. It helps to promote the activity of the microorganism in the soil and provides a nutrient that helps to develop the activity of earthworms. It can prevent the bacterial and fungus diseases of plants.
2. Bijamrita:
It is a type of treatment used for seedling and seed planting material. This pillar is very effective for protecting younger roots from fungus and saves seeds from various diseases. During the monsoon season when the seeds are affected by various diseases the Bijamrita saves them from those attacks. The farmers can add Bijamrita to any crops as a fertilizer because it is a very powerful natural fungicide.
3. Acchadana:
There are three types of acchadana-
1. Soil mulch
2. Straw mulch and
3. Live mulch
The farmers need soil mulch during the cultivation. It promotes water retention and aeration in the soil. And also promotes tilling to avoid destroying the soil. Straw mulch is mainly referring as dried biomass wastes that approach soil fertility. And the last one live mulch is very important to increase various cropping patterns. It is mixed with various organic materials that are essential for organic farming.
4. Whapasa:
As we all know that any plant’s roots need lots of water and whapasa is essential for that. It provides moisture to the crops plant. It actually spreads water vapor for plant roots supplements.

Most students in India search on Google about zero budget natural farming upsc exam preparation question answers and also try to find out effective features of that farming method. We try to bring here the most important features that we observe. Below are the features:
1. Chemical-free agriculture:
Zero budget farming is totally chemical-free agriculture. The fertilizers that are used in this farming are totally made in an organic way and contain living compost. If the farmers use this chemical-free fertilizer then they can produce healthy crops. It may be a traditional farming process that depends on the natural climate but healthy for a human being.
2. Alternative to the Green Revolution’s methods:
The natural farming method is the green revolution method that gives you healthy life and saves man from harmful chemicals. Maybe not produce a high amount of crops in this farming and depending on nature but this traditional farming process better now for save man.
3. Cost of production to nearly zero:
The production cost of natural farming is nearly zero. The farmers don’t need to spend huge money for cultivating natural processes. Low fertilizer cost nearly no cost as they can prepare those composts easily at their home using available materials. It doesn’t mean that zero budgets are no budget expenses in this farming. Yes, the framers need to spend but not a huge amount.
4. Agro-ecology:
The zero budgets farming method is the model of agroecology. It is the practice of mixing trees and farming. With this farmers can produce multiple crops and food production. It assures more jobs in farming and the health of the soil.
5. Chemical-free fertilizers:
We talked over and over that this farming is totally chemical-free fertilizers. The fertilizers that made with cow dung, earthworms, local spices, cows’ urine, dead animals, rotten leaves of plants, etc.

#Zero Budget Natural Farming Success Stories in India:
The birthplace of natural farming is India; there it first originated in the year of 1990s. We previously mentioned to you who is the father of this idea? Mr. Subhash Paleker originated this idea to lessen the expenses of farmers and save human health. Work as a good alternative to modern farming methods that is driven by irrigation, chemicals, pesticides, etc. Many organizations try out to encourage farmers to do natural farming. The zero-budget natural farming in Tamil state is developed by many organizations. Here are a few organizations that help to develop this farming:
- Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha,
- The art of living foundation,
- Sony India private limited and
- Isha sadhguru foundation
The government launched many schemes to complete and spread these methods to the farmers. Andhra Pradesh becomes the first state that practices a hundred percent natural farming in 2018. There are various success stories we knew previously of the farmers who confess their happiness in various magazines and media. Mr. Annadurai from Musiri Trichy, from Tamilnadu who is a paddy farmer, did natural farming on 2 acres of land and share a good income. After that, he gained confidence and increases the land to 10 acres, and do natural farming. Mr. Kudankavil, from Idukki, and Mr. T Suryanarayana from East Godavari district also share their success stories with us.
- The initial farming cost of farmers of zero budget cultivation is very low.
- From this method, farmers can automatically increase income.
- The ecosystem of the soil improves. And the soil gets nutrients an ingredient that is valuable for soil health.
- Fertilizer materials of it are easily accessible locally.
- The farmers don’t need to pay huge amounts of electricity bills and water bills.
- With natural farming the productivity of soil increases.
- Farming methods of natural lower the risk of disease attack.
- Zero budget natural farming used in few places, unable to take places in all countries. Though it originated from India but here in few states this farming method is practiced.
- In various scientific communities the concept of this farming isn’t accepted for its low and dependable techniques.
- Local cow breeds maintain is very difficult. Although it is very sustainable farming process.
- The overall process of that of natural farming is very much difficult.
#Why Is Zero Budget Natural Farming Necessary?
We collect data from a national survey that informs us about this farming value. According to data, 70 percent of Indian farmers spend their profits earning on farming management. From buying accessories for farming to everything they spend. And the interesting fact is that the natural farming process reduces the expenses of farmers. The central government of India promises to double the incomes of the farmers to reduce their problems.
On another hand zero budget, natural farming is very important to reduce environmental pollution. No use of chemical fertilizer and chemical oil on the crops reduces soil pollution and water pollution. The use of natural fertilizer increase soil health and also increase crops health and overall human health. Zero budget natural farming in Telugu state is developing this farming as they capture the proper method.