In our daily life, chicken is a readily available meat at present. Poultry has been playing an important role in the demand for meat in rural and urban life. But the funny thing is that this readily available meat was unavailable for all of us even a few years ago. There was a time when people were totally depended on the goat, cow, pork, sheep for meet their demand. At the same time, if you want to take something good as a non-vegetarian food, then chicken is a good example of something to eat.We have seen a tremendous growth in the poultry farming industry over the last century. The ingredient that played the biggest role in this amazing growth is use of antibiotics. However, at present these antibiotics can cause the destruction of human civilization.
#What Is Poultry Farming?
Poultry are the pets that people get for their eggs, their meat and their feathers. These birds usually belong to the genus Galliformes.Poultry also has other birds that die for their meat, such as small pigeons. But the wild birds that are hunted are not considered as poultry but they are known as birds of prey. The word “poultry” comes from the French or Norman word “pole”, which comes from the Latin word “pulus”, which means wolf.Poultry farming is the form of animal husbandry where the main task is to growing up the domesticated birds like ducks, chickens, cock, geese, swan and turkey for saleable purpose. For this cultivation caring and maintaining play vital role to increase it.
Worldwide, poultry are most sought, with more than 50 billion birds being slaughtered each year to meet demand for meat and eggs. The same picture exists in developed countries, where women play a role in the livelihood of the family through poultry. The profit of production depends mainly on the food which is always increasing. Poultry farming is one of the best examples of indoor farming method.

#What Birds Are Considered Poultry?
A. Chicken:
Chickens are the medium-sized, thick birds that can be recognized by the fleshy red tickle on their head. The males, called roosters, are generally larger in size and darker in color. Chickens usually look for different leaves around for seeds and for small insects. They can fly when they see danger, and they can run fast when chased. Animals began to be domesticated thousands of years ago, and chicken bones were firstoriginated in northeastern China. Researchers believe the cock fight and sacrifice of animals were domesticated, because the man was not fighting the faithful birds. Chickens in the Indus Valley four thousand years ago arrived and reached Egypt two hundred years later. They were also used for warfare and were symbols of strength. The Romans used them for prediction, and the people of Egyptians invented artificial insemination. Since then, poultry farming has extended around the globe to meet the demand for meat and eggs.
B. Turkey:
The turkey was a wild bird once, but now it is a major domesticated bird. It cultivated for the first time in North America. But now, in almost every country in the world, including Europe, this bird is more or less protected. In different countries of the world, their meat is very common. Turkey is currently contributing to several countries’ economies by satisfying the need for protein from poultry. Its meat has a high protein content, low-fat content, and is more nutritious than other poultry.
Turkey is very popular in western countries. So, most turkeys are reared in other countries including the USA, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, UK, and Poland. At present, there are more than five hundred small and large farms in the country which is good news for us. And as the interest of unemployed youth in keeping turkeys grows, it is expected that it will spread widely in the next few years.
C. Duck:
Ducks are medium-sized aquatic animals, with eyes on either side of the head, long necks, and short legs under the body. Male ducks are usually larger in size than female ducks. Ducks are generally omnivorous, eating a variety of animals and plants such as; various aquatic insects and grasses. Most ducks are much heavier to fly and are social birds that roam in groups. For commercial purpose people take this as poultry farming.
D. Goose:
The meat of goose is commonly popular in some culture. In Australia it has high demand. Many people cultivating goose in their home for commercial purpose and also for eat.
E. Swan:
Domestic swans are much larger than wild swans and have thick necks. Chinese swans are reared for egg production. They usually eat grass and marijuana. Their memory is keen and they can be allowed to travel far and wide, as they can return home before evening. Chinese swans are more aggressive than other swans and make a lot of noise, which is why it is used to understand the arrival of strangers. Pieces of swan meat are dark in color so that a lot of meat is present. These birds are killed between 10 and 24 weeks to meet the demand of meat.
F. Ostrich:
Ostrich farms have been established in many countries of the world only for business purposes. Ostrich feathers are very valuable and are mainly used for decoration. Their skin is also very valuable and their meat is considered as a very delicate food in the international market. The scientific name of ostrich is Struthio camelis. Ostriches are the largest of the birds and their eggs are also the largest in size. An adult ostrich weighs 63-130 kg but in some cases a male ostrich can weigh up to 155 kg.
G. Emu:
It is the second largest bird in the world and lives in Australian continent. The bird is about the same height as a human. The average Emu bird is about five feet tall and weighs about 45 kg. Even if he can’t fly, Emu can run fast. Emu can run at a speed of about 50 kilometers per hour. This bird lives in the vast plains and bushes of Australia. This quiet bird eats fruits and grass.At present time many people farming this bird for commercial purpose.
H. Pigeon:
One of the most common domestic bird species is the pigeon. It uses its meat as human food. In ancient times, pigeons exchanged letters. Since ancient times, pigeon flying contests have been practiced. The domesticated pigeon’s scientific name is Columba Livia Domestica. Both domesticated pigeons come from pigeons that are wild. People are farming this bird for feeding and commercial purposes.
#Poultry Farming Techniques:

1. Poultry Housing:
Well managed and proper poultry housing plays an important of growing all types of poultry birds randomly. Clean and hygiene of the farm house helps to raise the birds without facing any disease. Floor of the house should be always clean and provide all types of facilities of the house so that poultry birds can live happily. Before making poultry house you must observe these essential things:
- Make sure that your poultry farm has enough space to live the birds freely and happily.
- Assure that your farm has a good ventilation system.
- Provide adequate lights and air in the poultry house.
- Always clean the house and keep the regularly needed equipment in the proper place.
- Maintain a good temperature in the house.
- Making a poultry house in a silent and peaceful place is a good strategy.
I. Feeding:
You must feed your poultry bird’s high quality fresh nutritious foods to ensure proper growth, high production and well health. Adding vitamins and minerals and sufficient fresh water in their feed is also important.
II. Breeding:
Breeding is one of the most important processes in poultry farming. If you want to do chicks business then this process plays vital role. As we know that naturally most of poultry birds are good breeders. For commercial purpose you can buy them to produce fertile eggs.
III. Care & Management:
Care and management is also important part for farming method. You must learn about caring the poultry birds to keep them away from various diseases. Provide them time to time vaccine and antibiotics.
IV. Marketing:
Marketing is important for that as there are huge demands on the market of poultry meats and eggs. You can easily sell your product on the market. So selling your products at the right marketplace is also important.
2. Layer Poultry Farming:
The hens that are reared only for egg production are called layer poultry. Layer hens can lay eggs at a profitable rate up to about 75 weeks of age. Poultry layer farming can do for the source of meat and breeding and eggs. At present the price of layer poultry is much higher than that of broilers, which is unbelievable. Chicken manure can be used as land manure, fish feed and gas. The producers of the commercial poultry farming keep away the hens at the age of twelve from their first lying period. And after that we sell them in the market for slaughter purpose.
3. Free Range Poultry Farming:
Free range poultry farming is quite famous in the village areas. This farming method is providing the hens freely roaming facilities in a certain time of the day or all day. But at evening they return to their own house. They also can return their nest when the weather is bad in day time. This is the domestic bird that pet for hobby or domestic reason. But if anyone does this farming for commercially then must select the suitable land and all adequate systems.
4. Organic Method:
Organic method is one type free range farming method. But the difference of this method is in free range farming a large number of birds farmed together and in organic small group of birds cultivating. There are some restrictions in this farming method of using materials.
5. Battery Cage Method:
This common method used in many countries as it is very interesting system where small sizes metal caged used. In every cage we can keep three to eight hens, the wall of the cage are made of metal. Interesting thing is that when a hen laid eggs then they gathered on the egg collection place. In this method the foods are given in a plastic pipe or metal pots and water served with the help of nipple system.
6. Yarding Method:
Yarding method is the method where chicken and cows are cultivating together for commercial or other purpose. Here the farmer of the method makes fence of bamboo in his yard to keep poultry and cattle together. From this method the farmer gets benefits.
7. Broiler Poultry Farming:
The poultry birds that are increased for the purpose of commercial and it supply meat production. Boiler poultry is known for its meat and with the help of modern farming method these types of hens able to supply enough meat within five to six weeks.
8. Indoor Raising Method:
In indoor raising farming method the farmers kept the poultry birds in a large open house. In this process the chicken become perfect for consumption at the age of five to six. To make floor the farmers use wood shavings, rice hulls and the important thing is that in that system the farmers must clean the farm time to time.
9. Furnished Cage Method:
The method is developed version of battery cage method. In here house need more spaces and facilities. Make sure that there are enough space to give free of walking of the poultry.
#Poultry Farming Equipment:

For various reasons the poultry farming is increasing randomly and the business of poultry farming equipment also growing. Below is some equipment that you must need before you want to farm this:
A. Incubation Equipments:
1. Setter:
It is one of the important machines for poultry farming. The work of this machine is showing the proper humidity, turning and temperature of the chicken eggs.
2. Hatcher:
Hatcher is similar to setter machine but the other features of this machine are not matching. It designed for hold newly born baby chicks. For incubation, in this machine eggs are placed for three days. We can find various designed Hatcher machine worldwide. Like corridor incubators, tunnel type incubators and vertical fan incubators.
3. Compressed air system:
For racks of eggs some incubators need compressed air system to turning the machine. For blowing down the dust the large compressed air system is very essential and also for dry cleaning.
4. Emergency standby electric plants:
This is the secondary source of electricity as it supplies the electricity when local supplier fails to provide. The local generator located inside this machine.
5. Hatchery automation equipment:
These types of equipments are tray wash, eggs transfer, removing the waste, chick box washer, vaccine machine, pressure pumps, gardening, rack washer etc.
B. Egg Handling Equipment:
1. Hatching Egg Transfer Machines:
It is used for transferring eggs from breeder farm to Hatcher trays and the place to keep large amount of eggs.
2. Hatching Egg Trays:
It has the capacity to hold 90+ eggs.
C. Egg Candler:
It is a device of lighting that helps to find the eggs’ internal structure. In the market two types of candle is available mass and individual candler.
D. Brooder Equipments:
These equipments provide light and warmth of the baby chicks during the first few weeks. The brooder equipments are:
- Charcoal Stove
- Gas Brooder
- Electrical Brooder
- Infra-Red Bulbs
- Reflectors/ Hovers
- Flat type hover
- Canopy type hover
- Brooder Guard / Chick Guard
- Electrical Heaters (Heating Rods or Coils)
E. Feeding Equipment:
It is used to feed the birds and keep food here for them. It is made of both plastic and material. It is easily available in the market with various shapes and designs. Here is the name of a few feeding equipments:
- Automatic feeder
- Linear feeder
- Circular feeder
- Shell grit box
F. Water Equipment:
Water equipment is very essential for poultry farming. Here we mention some of the best water equipment:
- Water softeners and filters
- Water heaters
G. Watering Equipment:
It helps to provide waters to the poultry layer farming birds. There are available different sizes and designing equipments in the market. Here are few examples of watering equipments:
- Jarand pan Type
- Linear Waterer
- Plastic Water Basin
- Automatic Waterer like Bell Type
- Manual Drinker
- Nipple Drinker
H.Vaccination Equipment:
Vaccination equipments are very important to keep the chicken fit and antibiotic. Here are some examples of vaccination equipments:
- VaccineDroppers
- Automatic Vaccinator
- Fowl Pox Vaccinator
I. Miscellaneous Equipment:
Here are examples of miscellaneous equipments:
- Beak trimmer
- Nest boxes
- Weighing balances
- Perches / Roost
- Rake
- Sprinkler
- Sprayer
- Flame-gun
#Rules For Poultry Farming:

Every farmer needs to know the rules of farming and must have to follow. Poultry farms have been set up on a large scale in our country to meet the demand for meat and eggs. Many people incur losses in poultry farms due to various reasons. For this the farmers have to follow the rules properly. Today we will learn about the rules that poultry farmers have to follow-
In order to prevent losses on the farm, the farm has to be managed properly. This is discussed in detail below-
- Poultry farms need to be provided with the right amount of food on a daily basis. Food should be distributed at different times of the day according to the needs of nutrition and vitamins on the farm. Care should also be taken to keep the food containers clean and germ free before feeding.
- Poultry farms need to keep the same breed of chickens. Domestic chickens should not be reared on the farm in any way with mixed or any other breed of foreign chickens.
- Poultry should be weighed regularly on the farm. If there is a difference in the weight of the farm chickens, necessary measures have to be taken.
- Daily income and expenditure account of poultry farm should be written down. If the cost increases for any reason, it can be reduced. It will also make it easier to make the farm profitable.
- Poultry farms need to be vaccinated at the right time. Necessary measures should also be taken for other diseases of chickens.
- Necessary lighting should be provided in the poultry farm. There can be no light crisis in poultry farms. This can cause various problems on the farm.
#Advantages or Benefits for Poultry Farming Business:
1. Less Capital Required:
One of the best benefits of poultry farming is you don’t need to spend or invest a high amount of money to start this business. At first, you spend little or basic amount to start poultry farming. And on the other side, poultry birds are not so costly.
2. No Need for a Big Space:
For starting a poultry farm you don’t need big space until you do this for commercially. At first, you can use small space to raising poultry birds that may be the backyard of your house then you can grow the space for more income.
3. High Returns in Short Time Period:
Commercial poultry farming business assure you return the money which you invest in a short period. As we know that few poultry birds take few times to grow and the products that we use for this farm is less price.
4. High Maintenance not required:
In this farming you don’t need high maintenance. You must follow the proper tips of caring and hygiene the farm to avoid disease of the poultry birds. But you must spend much time to maintain it.
5. License not Compulsory:
To start a poultry business, it is not compulsory to have a license as all types of poultry birds are mainly domestic animals. If you want then you can arrange a license from any relevant authority.
6. Huge Global Demand:
There are huge demands of poultry meat in the world. Most of the people eat meat of poultry birds and eggs Poultry meat and eggs are a good source of animal meat. This problem can be solved by filling the shortage of farming poultry.
7. Easy Marketing:
The marketing of poultry is very easy as you can sell the products of it near your local market. If you live in rural area then you can also easily do this business as it has huge marketplace worldwide.
8. Income & Employment Opportunities:
The importance of poultry in the socio-economic development of the world is immense. Its importance in the national economy is steadily increasing due to its comparatively low investment and feasibility in a small area of land. Poultry farming is a significant means of self-employment for unemployed youth, landless peasants and poor rural women.
9. Easy Bank Loans:
You don’t face any problems getting a loan to start this business. Almost all banks provide loans to start this type of business. So, don’t do it late to apply for a loan to start it commercially.
10. Fuel saving:
It is possible to produce biogas using poultry waste and litter which can be used to save fuel and contribute to the national economy.
#Poultry Farming Business Plan In India:

Poultry is a much-needed industry. This is important for all countries around the world. There is no alternative to producing chickens and ducks at a higher rate in a scientific way to meet the meat demand of the growing population. Poultry farming in India is more applicable. It is essential to run a poultry farm in a modern way to meet the needs of the exploding population. So before starting, farmers must know all poultry farming information.
There is no doubt that this is a promising and developing industry in this country. Despite various difficulties, the domestic poultry farmers are supplying chickens and eggs at low prices in the market. However, these products are less than half of the total demand. Here we discuss about how to start poultry farmingfor beginners, issues and how to solve.
1. Breed selection:
First come to the chicken breed. Hybrid chickens on broiler farms cannot be reared in backyards. So you have to choose the authentic varieties. For example, Rhode Island Red (RIR) or Black Australopithecus etc. varieties have been made artificially.
2. House building:
There should be an open house for chickens. Houses 1.5 m long X 1.2 m wide and 1 m high should be constructed. The fence of the house should be made of bamboo tarpaulin or wooden plank. Earthen walls can also be made. The fence or wall should have holes for light ventilation. Household rice can be made using straw, tin or bamboo sheets with polythene. One such house should be made for every 10-15 chickens.
3. Food:
Poultry eats extra or stale food of the house such as discarded flour, curry, scattered wheat, paddy, insects, discarded parts of vegetables, grass, leaves, gravel, crushed stone etc.
4. Caring:
There is no need of time or people to take care of the chickens in the rearing system. Still, there are some things to keep in mind. In the morning you have to open the chicken house and give some food. In the evening, before the hens go home, they have to be fed again. When you get into the house, you have to close the door. (1 inch) should be spread thick. If the toilet freezes hard, it should be turned over and over again and cleaned after a few days. If the domestic rooster is reared in this way, a good profit can be obtained at almost no cost

There are various issues to start poultry farming for beginners and in developed countries also face problem when they start this farming. Let’s know those problems.
1. Capital problem:
The initial capital required for setting up a poultry farm: Despite the lack of capital, many unemployed and hardworking young people are not able to set up poultry farms.
2. Lack of healthy and disease free chicks:
People who are interested in poultry farming need 1 day old chicks or ducklings. But in almost all hatcheries in India, the disease is transmitted to the child through parent swarms and the mortality rate of the child increases a lot when the child is supplied to the farmers or during the fall. In addition, as the supply is less than the demand for layers, the farmers have to wait for a long time to leave the poultry houses empty.
3. Problems of a balanced diet and excessive value of poultry food:
Poultry industry in India is facing severe problems due to excessive value of balanced food. Without it, the quality of food is sometimes very low. This is because if these foods are of low quality, then the expected product, such as meat and eggs, if the price does not increase in proportion, then there is a problem. In the absence of nutritionists many times poultry farmers are not able to produce properly balanced silk and the value of mixed feed becomes unnecessarily high.
4. Excessive cost of poultry medicines and immunizations:
There is no effective treatment for most diseases, especially viral ones. The cost of applying the drug for the disease is high, resulting in increased production costs. Although immunizations are good, imported vaccines are not effective in many cases. Moreover, the price of those ticks is too high.
5. Marketing Problems of Poultry Products:
No specific market system has been developed in the country for the sale of eggs and broiler chickens and trimmed chickens. So in all cases the real farmers are being deprived of the real value of the poultry products. The middlemen involved in this industry are taking the lion’s share of the profits. In many cases, due to lack of specific market system, the real farmers are being forced to sell their products at a loss.
6. Lack of proper training:
Training is essential for setting up a poultry farm. If an untrained person sets up a farm, he has to face various problems in raising poultry. There must be a thorough knowledge about raising chickens. Therefore, there is no alternative to training. However, the training must be science-based and timely. In order to raise commercial laying hybrid chickens at present, they need to be trained in management and higher training in training of poultry.
7. Insurance issues:
There is no poultry mince in our country but in developed countries even in India and poultry farm is insured. As a result, if the farm is affected by disease or any other problem, the insured money protects the farm.
8. Lack of Poultry Specialists:
Due to the lack of poultry experts in the country, it is becoming difficult to make many farms in the country profitable today. In our country, there is a lack of experts for proper diagnosis of poultry. In a few places in the country there are field level disease research centers, which in most cases are not able to play an effective role.
How To Resolve?
- Conveniently reduced tariffs can be fixed for poultry farmers.
- Arrangements can be made for training of farmers and farm workers either officially or in any institutional way.
- Necessary medicines and vaccinations can be arranged at a low cost. In this case, as in other agricultural products in India, the middlemen between the producer and the consumer take extra advantage.
- In this case, administrative monitoring can be introduced and pricing can be done. In addition to simplifying the production process, it is important to maintain equilibrium in accessing all the benefits of marketing.
- Farmers need to be vigilant so that they can benefit and not suffer losses. We need to have low-interest bank loans.
- An insurance system should be introduced to these industries. The government insurance company needs to play a leading role in this regard.