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5 Effective Ways For Permaculture Pest Control: A Detailed Guide

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5 Effective Ways For Permaculture Pest Control A Detailed Guide

Are you hopeless about those tiny holes in your cabbage leaves? 

Or do you feel devastated after finding those aphids on your brussel sprouts each Spring?

You know what, I used to blame myself for not being prepared enough to control these pests! At least the first 4 years of my permaculture journey were not at all stress-free. In fact, I used to feel extremely sorry every time I found those sticky insect eggs under my kale leaves.

Trust me, just because your Brussels & cabbage taste delicious, you don’t need to let those aphids feed on them! After all, “nothing brings people together like good food.” So, prepare Sautéed Cabbage & enjoy your weekend, instead!

Jokes apart, nature eventually taught me new methods for permaculture pest control. Gradually, I realized how natural predators such as insects, herbs, flowers & a few permaculture practices help control pest infestations. After all, “Only bugs can truly appreciate the beauty of flowers.”

So, if you want to learn how to naturally control pest growth, check out this guide till the end. 

Why Does Permaculture Pest Control Matter?

Did you know that some of the insect species such as minute pirate bugs consume aphids, spider mites, & armyworms? Similarly, a lot of herbs & flowers attract certain pests & keep your permaculture garden safe. So, the permaculture pest control system promotes a balanced ecosystem where the number of harmful pests is limited. 

However, instead of using chemical pesticides, I suggest you incorporate Natural Pest Management (NPM) systems. In fact, the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) system can control the bad bugs’ growth naturally without using any harsh chemicals. 

Believe The Truth & Not The Myths!

“Prevention is Better than cure.”

 If you want to prevent pest infestation, try to find out what favors their growth. Also, if you focus on growing healthy plants might help you avoid the growth of harmful pests.

Keep The Invasive Worms Away

Certain worms like Asian jumping worms consume the nutrient-rich top layer of the soil. Though they don’t survive in winter, try to make sure that you don’t bring them into your permaculture landscape accidentally. 

Avoid Mono-Culture Cropping For Permaculture Pest Control

The last time I saw aphids happily munching on my kale leaves, I decided to fool them!

Wondering how?

So, I planted Cilantros next to the rows of brussels & parsley next to Kales. As a result, parsleys & cilantro got the aphids’ attention & my kales & Brussels were completely safe. 

Look For Early Signs of Damage

Did ever those half-eaten plant leaves of your permaculture garden give you a small heartache?

You can save those leaves by carefully observing your plants. Believe it or not, the earlier you find the eggs or pests, the better you can prevent their growth.

2 Reasons to Integrate IPM/NPM for Permaculture Pest Control

Doesn’t Compromise With The Environment 

IPM does not leave any harmful chemical residue on the plants. So, it not only protects human health but also prevents soil & water pollution. 

Promotes Sustainable Ecosystem

NPM promotes a long-term pest control solution & fosters a well-balanced ecosystem where good insects can thrive benefitting the plants.

5 Methods of Permaculture Pest Control Revealed!

Companion Planting

Did you know that garlic & onions are excellent pest-repellent plants?

Growing them strategically can keep pests & insects like aphids & nematodes away from the main plants. 

Pest Control Sprays

Are you a DIY lover? 

If yes, then I have an exciting task for you!

So, you can prepare homemade sprays that can help you get rid of bad bugs.

Soak in chopped mint, and wormwood in water or chopped garlic or cloves into olive oil overnight. Also, you can prepare a solution using vegetable oils & castile or dishwashing soap & pour it into a spray bottle. 

Now, spray the solution occasionally to keep the harmful pests away from your permaculture garden

Biological Method For Permaculture Pest Control

Did you know that natural predators can feed on those harmful aphids & other pests? 

So, why don’t you just promote a healthy habitat for them to control harmful pest growth? 

Let me name some of the natural flowers, herbs, or insect species just for you!


Calendula, marigolds, nasturtiums, sweet alyssum, daisies, & chamomiles.


Mints, fennel, dill, parsley, cilantro, yarrow, lavender, chives.


Fennel, carrots, asters, basket-of-gold, candytuft.

Predatory Insects

Green lacewings, assassin bugs, tachinid flies, minute pirate bugs, braconid wasps, aphid midges, earwigs, Ichneumon wasps, and hoverflies.


Parasitic mini-wasps, damsel bugs, big-eyed bugs. 

Agricultural Practices

Crop rotation & intercropping can distract the pests from the mail plants resulting in reduced pest damage. 

Bug Buffets

Bright-coloured flowers like milkweed, thyme, etc. can attract friendly insects like ladybugs that feed on pests’ eggs. 

3 Tips To Maintain A Beneficial Habitat For Natural Pest Predators

Provide Food & Shelter

Grow diverse plants, and flowers, & focus on better permaculture landscape management to attract pollinators & friendly insects. 

Monitor Plants’ Health

Maintain the plants’ health by effective soil management techniques, proper water supply & moisture retention, and of course, reducing plant stress.

Avoid Chemical Pesticides

Never use chemical pesticides that totally damage the soil structure & kill the friendly worms & pests as well. 

Make A Change with Natural Permaculture Pest Control

Though avoiding pest damage entirely is not possible, you can certainly reduce the chances.

But, do you know what’s the key to that?

Just create a balance in the ecosystem!

Since you don’t want those good pests & insects to die, consider planting flowers & herbs that can promote their growth. 

However, if you can’t attract good insects initially, I suggest you purchase ladybugs or hoverflies. Also, remember to “Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.” So, do not be afraid if you lose a few leaves due to pest infestations even after planting insectaries. 

So, just believe in nature’s own healing process because “nature is the greatest place to heal and recharge.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Which are the most difficult pests to control?

Ans: Some of the pests include rodents, carpenter ants, cockroaches, termites, bed bugs, etc.

Q2. What is the strongest natural insecticide?

Ans: Neem is considered the best natural insecticide that prevents pest growth.

Q3. Which organic pest control method should I use?

Ans: I suggest you use pheromone traps, plant trap plants, & attract beneficial insects & bugs to organically control the pest infestations.

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