Did you know that just by planting fruit trees, you can generate high profits?
Not just that…
You can also have your own orchard that looks just like a natural one with fewer external inputs.
2 years back, when I shifted to Bangalore, I decided to have my own permaculture orchard in the backyard.
Not only did I harvest my most preferred fruits but I also experienced an unmatched happiness within myself. Also, my backyard became a safe space for hundreds of beautiful species starting from butterflies to squirrels.
In fact, I was proud of myself for promoting a healthy biodiversity so easily.
So, if you want to bring sustainable positive changes to the environment, check out this guide & build your own orchard.
What Is A Permaculture Orchard: 5 Types of Plants to Grow
This refers to a unique approach to cultivating fruits while integrating some of the most sustainable ecological practices. However, this diverse food production system resembles the natural orchards to construct a healthy forest environment.
Now, let’s name the plant species & a few examples that you can grow in your orchard.
- Fruits & Nuts: Apple, plum, cherry, fig, apricot, pomegranate, walnut, chestnut, hazelnut, almonds, etc.
- Berries & Vines: Blackberry, raspberry, gooseberry, strawberry, grapevine, etc.
- Herbs & Medicinal Plants: Thyme, lavender, sage, calendula, kiwi, hops, passion fruits, etc.
- Companion Plants & Ground Covers: Clover, chives, daffodils, marigolds, etc.
- Native Trees & Shrubs: Sea buckthorn, huckleberry, witch hazel, oak, mulberry, etc.
5 Steps To Build Your Permaculture Orchard
Let’s discuss the steps quickly so that you can work faster towards building your own orchard.
Assess The Location & Prepare The Soil
- Observe the surroundings & understand the micro-climatic aspects
- Consider the sunlight exposure
- Avoid areas with shades & strong wind
- Manage water supply by digging in ditches, channels, drip irrigation, recycling water used in households & drip irrigation
- Boost the soil’s fertility & pH levels by growing deep-rooted & drought-resistant plants for reduced water usage
- Focus on mulching the soil bed with green manure & household waste composting & well-rotted livestock manure
Zoning & Designing The Orchard Following N.A.P
- Create a permaculture orchard layout with different zones, polycultures, & guilds
- Plant a Nitrogen fixer, an Apple tree, & a Plum tree & repeat the process for one row
Select Your Plants & Start A Nursery
- Decide beforehand which plants will grow better in your climate
- Grow disease-resistant plants for less usage of artificial pesticides
- Try to grow your own plants yourself for reduced expenditure
Plant Perennials, Insectaries, Nitrogen-Fixers, & Mushrooms
- Grow kale or cabbage with beans, carrots, & mushrooms for a well-balanced ecosystem & natural pest control
Focus on Livestock Raising & The Orchard Layers
- Grow forage crops
- Rear livestock & let them graze on them for natural weed-controlling
- Collect the manure & fertilize the soil
- Integrate 7 plant layers such as:
- Canopy layers like fruits & nuts like chestnut
- Semi-dwarf fruit trees like pears, apples
- Shrubs like raspberries, blueberries
- Herbs such as thyme, mint
- Ground cover species like strawberries
- Vine like roses, grapes, kiwis
- Root layer of potatoes, radish
3 Tips to Manage Proper Spacing in Your Permaculture Orchard
It is important to maintain the proper distance between plant species for healthy growth, and maximised sunlight exposure. Also, it aids in proper air circulation, better productivity, orchard management, & disease prevention.
Keep the standard-sized trees 15-30 feet away from one another
Maintain a distance of 10-15 feet among semi-dwarf fruit trees
The horizontal species pruned in trellis & espalier systems should be 6-10 feet away from one another
3 Benefits of Having A Permacultural Orchard
Aligns With Nature’s Design & Improved Biodiversity
Inspired by the natural ecosystems, it mimics the natural patterns that aid in nutrient cycling & better relationships in environmental components.
Improves Soil Health & Conserves Resources
It improves the soil structure due to practices like cover cropping, mulching, composting, etc. Also, it retains water & moisture levels in the soil that encourage the growth of beneficial microbes. However, the best part is that it reduces the overuse & waste of natural permaculture resources.
Promotes Polyculture, Encourages Pollination & Food Security
Apart from fostering food security, harvesting plants like sunflowers results in faster growth of new plants through seed dropping. Also, natural pollinators like bees & butterflies help in growing diverse plants naturally.
2 Disadvantages of Building A Permaculture Orchard
Time Consuming & Costly
It is a labor-intensive process due to manual pruning, mulching, & harvesting. Also, setting up the orchard & purchasing the plants might be expensive.
Complexity, Lack of Knowledge & Pest Infestation
Implementation of a large-scale orchard can be complicated, especially if you don’t know about permaculture practices. Also, reducing pest attacks & disease prevention can be somewhat difficult due to zero usage of artificial pesticides or herbicides.
How to Harvest, Process, Preserve, & Ferment Permaculture Orchard Produce?
- Consider the right timing for harvesting fruits & nuts based on the ripeness, texture, scent, or color.
- Effectively use clean & sharp pruners to harvest them without damaging the tree.
- Handle the soft-fleshed fruits delicately.
- Make sure to store them in well-ventilated containers or in cool basements.
- Canning, drying, freezing & other advanced preserving techniques can help you preserve the fruits.
- Manufacture cider, wine, or vinegar by fermenting grapes & apples.
Earn Profit with Surplus Permaculture Orchard Production
Here are a few suggestions for you to earn more from your orchard.
- You can prepare jellies, jams, sauces, & syrups that are high in market demand.
- Use a dehydrator & market dried fruits at profitable rates.
- You can also share or exchange your surplus fruits with local community members & get what you want.
- If you think your surplus fruits are unworthy of consumption, feed them to livestock or use them as soil fertilizer.
So, now that you know how to build your permaculture orchard, what are you waiting for?
If implemented strategically, you can harvest highly profitable fruits & nuts for your own consumption. Also, you can sell them at the local markets.
Now, get ready to earn your share of the profit while benefitting the ecosystem surrounding you! Also, let me know which fruits you chose for your orchard.
Frequently Asked Questions
Ans: Choose a sunny & sheltered location facing the South or South-West direction for building your orchard. However, you can grow a few plants indoor as well.
Ans: Orchards are also known as wood lots, scrublands, etc.
Ans: The most popular Indian fruits include bananas, cashew nuts, apples, oranges, mangoes, guavas, etc.