Are you bored with your same-old room’s landscape?
If yes, then change it through a simple DIY “green” project.
I simply can’t imagine my room without a touch of green. But if you think you don’t have enough space to grow plants in the comfort of your home, you are wrong!
Check out this guide to learn how you can also have your own indoor permaculture garden right within your room.
Indoor Permaculture Garden: The Best Houseplants For You!
Do you want to try out this sustainable gardening method?
This way, you will not only promote a healthy ecosystem but also experience the ultimate delight while exploring your creativity.
Now, let’s come to the real point. Which plants can you grow indoors?
Well, if you want to grow fruits, I have some options for you that include lemons, dwarf bananas, and figs. Mostly they grow faster in almost any type of container & suitable for all-year-round production.
Also, you can grow veggies like peas, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, ginger, turmeric, & green veggies like lettuce, kale, spinach, etc.
However, I have a better suggestion for you! Grow medicinal & essential herbs such as rosemary, basil, lavender, oregano, thyme, etc. Also, growing microgreens such as sprouts & mushrooms can also be highly profitable for you.
3 Key Principles For Indoor Permaculture Garden
Proper Space Utilization
Do you know the key to creating a successful indoor garden?
It is the strategy to utilize your indoor space effectively. Let me list down 3 techniques to optimize space utility.
- Apartment gardening
- Balcony gardening
- Vertical gardens
Recycle Waste
I will suggest you the easiest & low-cost methods of waste recycling.
Check out the tips for making fertilizer at home:
- Compost kitchen & yard waste
- Use fallen leaves & weeds
- Break down the waste food particles
Also, you can reuse old items instead of discarding them. For example, I use plastic boxes, cardboard packaging, and glass jars as tree pots & for preparing garden beds.
Promote Diverse Ecosystem
Always grow multiple species of plants inside your room. Let me explain why:
- It promotes a healthy living space for diverse microorganisms beneficial for plant growth.
- It helps to create a balanced growth environment.
- You will enjoy the wide beauty variants.
- The dynamic atmosphere will foster faster plant growth.
6 Basic Requirements For Indoor Permaculture Garden
Do you spend at least 4 to 5 hours a day at your home?
Then, you can easily create an indoor garden.
But ensure you provide the plant roots enough space to grow properly so that they can absorb the vital soil nutrients.
The frequencies of natural sunlight are an absolute necessity to grow plants inside your home. To expose your plants to sunlight, I suggest you keep the tree pots near your windows facing the sun.
Artificial Lightings
If you think that sunlight is not enough to maintain the right room temperature, I have 3 suggestions for you.
- Invest in fluorescent bulbs or LED lights if you want an affordable solution.
- Solar tubes, designed with fiber optics can transport sunlight inside your home.
- Parabolic mirrors that can collect & reflect solar energy.
To supply the right amount of water to your indoor permaculture garden plants, invest in an automated watering technology. Also, you can store rainwater & use it to maintain moisture levels.
However, I prefer to mulch soil surfaces with coconut coir, coffee grounds, pencil shaving, or sawdust to prevent water evaporation.
Did you know preparing the soil properly can give you 2X better plant production?
Let me tell you what I do!
Usually, I create a blend of healthy soil mixed with vermiculite, peat moss, coconut coir, perlite, or biochar. As a result, the soil does not get too dry or too moist & perfect for faster plant growth.
Basic Comfort
Isn’t your home the most comfortable space for you?
Let’s make it comfortable for your plants as well.
- Check out these easy hacks to make your plants comfortable:
- Invest in pots that come with skinny self-watering planters.
- Larger pots are always better.
- Place your kitchen scraps at the bottom of the pots & then fill in the pots.
Now, time for a quick tip!
Every time, I fill in the plant pots with soil, I add a handful of earthworms at the bottom. Also, I prefer using aged compost as it can boost soil fertility & prevent fly attacks.
Build Your Indoor Permaculture Garden: The Step-By-Step Process
Collect The Basic Tools
Let me list down the basic ingredients that you will need:
Kitchen scraps
Measuring spoons or cups
Mulching items such as coconut coir, coffee grounds, etc.
Artificial lighting systems
Make Garden Bed
Create the perfect soil blend following the steps I already shared with you. Then, cover the soil surface with mulching ingredients.
Plant The Seed Or Seedlings
Now, plant the seeds into the soil with care. Water it properly & set the artificial lighting systems.
That’s it!
Now you can monitor the gradual growth & look for any signs of pest or insect attacks regularly.
2 Systems To Create Your Indoor Permaculture Garden
Divide Your Room Into Zones
Dividing your room into a few zones can help you plant specific plants at specific regions for easy maintenance.
Let me explain how:
- Zone 1 should accommodate young nursery plants.
- Zone 2 is ideal for growing herbs & spices like peppermint, turmeric, ginger basil & veggies like spring onions, tomatoes, etc.
- In Zone 3, you can grow canopy trees such as lemons, coffee, figs, bananas, bamboo, etc.
- Zone 4 refers to the darker regions of your room perfect for growing mushrooms.
- Zone 5 is the living space for insects, dust balls, & fungi & requires regular manual cleaning.
Can you notice something?
Yes, you are right.
Zone 1 receives the natural resources first & demands intensive human care. However, Zone 5 receives the least amount of sunlight & other resources.
This is a brilliant gardening way to save space & water. Just stack the small pots on larger pots’ surfaces. Simply ensure that the top level contains the herbs, and worms at the middle, & at the bottom, there is fertilized water.
7 Tips For Creating A Perfect Indoor Permaculture Garden
Companion Planting
Did you know some plants can be beneficial for other plants? Together they can control pest attacks, share nutrients, & provide shade to the other.
For example, I prefer growing beans & corn, potatoes & marigolds, & tomatoes & basil together. As a result, the “companions” grow together & support each other.
Water Conservation
Apart from storing rainwater, you can invest in self-watering containers for minimized water usage.
Good Drainage System
Your plants might not like to be soggy all the time!
To avoid rotting roots due to water clogging, you can use plastic dishpans with drilled holes on its surface. So, when you water your indoor permaculture garden, it will collect the excess water & supply only the required amount.
Consider Temperature
Try to maintain an ideal temperature range from 50 to 85 degrees temperatures based on the plant species & climate. For example, lettuce or peppers can not survive in extreme temperatures.
Ensure Free Air Movement
Make sure your room is well-ventilated. And if not, you can blow fans for some time.
Use Fertilizer & Prune Regularly
Do not forget to apply an organic fertilizer to the soil every alternate day. Usually, I fertilize the soil every 3 to 4 days. Additionally, I trim the branches or buds once in a while for improved plant health.
Harvest & Plant Throughout The Year & Clone
If you want to consume your self-farmed green leafy veggies, harvest carefully. Usually, I cut the greeny leaves when they are around 4 inches tall.
However, I suggest you regularly plant new perennial plants to get year-round production. Also, you can grow new healthy plants by planting the branch or leaf cuttings from grown-up plants.
3 Benefits Of Having An Indoor Permaculture Garden
Increased Production
Due to a safer indoor environment, plants grow faster & you can enjoy better production.
Grow Your Own Food
Through indoor gardening, you can grow your favorite veggies & fruits almost anywhere.
Easy Weed & Insect Controlling
Weed control is almost unnecessary in indoor permaculture & you can easily control the growth of harmful insects. Just spray organic insecticides such as hot pepper solution, or cooled down onion, garlic, or mint brews.
2 Disadvantages of An Indoor Permaculture Garden
Limited Space
Due to limited space, you can not grow melons, corn, or squashes.
Constant Human Intervention
Starting from regular watering to switching the lights on & off, your intervention is mandatory for successful gardening.
Are You Ready To Have Your Own Indoor Permaculture Garden?
Now, you already know how simple indoor gardening is!
If you follow my tips, you can easily manage all the gardening resources easily. Just be patient & if you love plants, I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy the gardening process.
So, when do you plan to start your indoor gardening journey? Comment down below & let me know which fruits or vegetables you want to grow.
Frequently Asked Questions
Ans: Some of the popular systems of indoor gardening include aquaponics, hydroponics, etc.
Ans: The process is also known as sustainable agriculture, companion planting, mixed cropping, & agroforestry.
Ans: It is also known as Terrarium.