For unfavorable weather and climate, the production of crops is very challenging to the farmers. Constantly weather changing is greatly impacting mainly n the farmers’ livelihood. The farmers take risks for crop production depending on the weather and climate so both play an important role in farming. Worldwide food security strongly depends on crop farming. Global farm management’s solution invents an amazing farming method called greenhouse farming that controls the environment. In this modern farming method, farmers can cultivate crops without depending on the climate or weather just use modern technology.
In this post, we will discuss important information on greenhouse farming, its divisions, orientation, maintenance, advantages, and limitations, etc.
#What Is Greenhouse Farming?
Greenhouse farming is the method that produces unseasonal vegetables and fruits in a glass room covered with glass or covers materials in the high latitudes countries. The glass naturally lets the sun goes into small waves, but reflective long waves do not allow the lightning to go out in some way so that the temperature in the house trapped and becomes fit to grow in the internal temperature of vegetables. With the help of sunlight, this house cultivated green vegetables and fruits inside this house. Greenhouse can be equal to large industrial factories from small size verandah.
Although most greenhouses are made of glass, nowadays greenhouses are made of plastic and other transparent polymers. Traditionally its roof and walls are made of glass or transparent plastic. Glass or plastic allow heat to enter through sunlight, but not to exit. The incoming heat constantly reflected off the walls of the greenhouse. Some amount of heat also radiated from indoor plants; however, its amount is negligible compared to solar heat.
In addition, the heat cannot escape from the greenhouse as there is no airflow due to the enclosure. As a result, the inside of the greenhouse is much warmer than the outside. The climate of the temperate country is not conducive to the growth of tropical plants and vegetables. Therefore, even in winter in those countries, vegetables and various flowers are grown in greenhouses in an artificially warm environment.

#Cost Of Making Greenhouse Farm:
The greenhouse has a transparent covering around the iron structure and on the roof. It costs around Rs 10 lakh to build a 1000 square meter greenhouse. Once a ‘greenhouse’ is built, it can be easily cultivated for 8-10 years. Adequate sunlight can enter the greenhouse. Again, excess heat cannot damage the vegetables. As a result, vegetables can be easily grown in greenhouses even in hot weather.
However, the cost of building a ‘greenhouse’ is high. So the cost of making a small version of ‘Green House’ ‘Shed Net’ is less. The cost of making a shed net of 1000 square meters is 3 lakh 60 thousand. However, the shade net can be cultivated continuously for 3 years. However, experts believe that the benefits of cultivating vegetables in this way will be good.
#Types of Greenhouse Farming:
There are various types of greenhouse available and we discuss all information below:
A. Greenhouse Based On Shape:
Here we divided greenhouse based on the shape into six types:
1. Lean to type:
This type of greenhouse builds against the existing building or house. It is attached to a house so there are huge advantages of this greenhouse. The making of its structure is less expensive and always available electricity and water.
2. Uneven span type:
This type of greenhouse is designed as hilly terrain. The roof of it is uneven and like a hill.
3. Ridge and furrow type:
It is designed like an eave and adds two more frames. For this design, it can melt the snow and carry rainwater away. It lowers the automation costs, labor costs and improves personal management.
4. Even span type:
This has full types of structure that roof slopes are very equal in width and pitch. The structure of this type of greenhouse gives more production of plants. It is one of the best examples of large scale greenhouse farming. The system is attached to the outdoor area of an existing house.
5. Quonset greenhouse:
This type of greenhouse builds with polyethylene and pipe. So the cost of making this is very low then another type of house. A very small area is needed for making this Quonset greenhouse.
6. Saw tooth type:
This is the natural ventilation type of greenhouse. This farming simulator 17 greenhouse is very similar to ridge type’s greenhouse that gives you high production of crops.
B. Greenhouse Type Based on Utility:
There are two types of greenhouse based on the utility:
1. Active Cooling:
This greenhouse automatic reduces the temperature inside the house during the summer season. It is the special feature of this active cooling greenhouse. And this feature is very effective for the growth of the crops.
2. Active Heating:
The temperature inside the house automatically decreases at night time to avoid the freezing of crops. Depending on the outside environment temperature the active house uses its special feature.
C. Greenhouse Type Based on Construction:
The constructional greenhouse is made with very strong materials that have divided into three types:
1. Pipe framed structure:
In this greenhouse mainly pipes are used. It is purely constructed with a pipe around it.
2. Wooden framed structure:
This is generally made with a wooden frame. All over the frames are constructed with woods. So this type of greenhouse is very strong.
3. Truss framed structure:
Truss frames are used in this greenhouse and most houses made with glass are usually truss framed structure greenhouse.
D. Greenhouse Type Based on Covering Material:
The materials of covering are playing a vital role in the structure of the greenhouse. There are three types of greenhouse based on the covering materials:
1. Glass:
The roofs of these types of houses are only made with glass material. The advantages of it are to intensity of the light easily. It provides better prevention of disease and lower humidity.
2. Plastic film:
Polyethylenes, polyvinyl, and polyester are the main materials for the making of this type of greenhouse. This type of greenhouse is very popular worldwide. Most farmers use plastic film greenhouses for their farming practice as it is very low cost.
3. Rigid panel:
It is made of various types of plastic materials like fiber, acrylic, polyvinyl, and polycarbonate. Those materials are very strong resistance that gives you about 20 year’s warranty.
E. Greenhouse Type Based on Cost of Construction:
There are four types of greenhouse based on the cost of construction:
1. High cost:
The house that takes high cost for construction and management purpose.
2. Medium cost:
The house takes medium cost for construction and management purposes.
3. Low cost:
The house that takes low cost for construction and management purposes.
4. Shading Nets:
Depending on the climate of those areas that type of greenhouse is constructed.
The orientation plays the setup norm in the farming simulator 2015 greenhouse is that nurseries should consistently run east-west. In the event that the sun rises and runs the length of your design east to west, this brings ideal common light, sun, and photosynthesis to your yields—if north to south, notwithstanding, a few harvests get more daylight than others, which get concealed out.
Shadows cast by drains, supports, and hardware in the top of the nursery can prompt lopsided light conditions in the harvest. As the sun moves from the east toward the west during the day, the shadows of the nursery construction will likewise move. An east-west arrangement makes underlying shadows in a similar piece of the harvest during that time which can influence crop efficiency and plant wellbeing around here. Thusly, to limit concealing impacts, nurseries are by and largely situated north-south.
While this is basic information to for all intents and purposes each cultivator, some may bypass this detail in the arranging stage. One should consider if direction should be possible in the picked nursery area, and in a way that is best for work alongside alleviating hazards.

1. Save the land:
Using a greenhouse, it can be more productive in less than it produced. But this work is impossible if there is no land. That’s why you can start greenhouse farming; you have to look at whether you can save the land. If you do not save this land, you cannot take the remaining steps of this farming simulator 15 greenhouse.
2. Water Management:
The important ingredient of all the other farming in any kind of farming is the water. So when you try to start the farming of greenhouses, you have to know if you have the system in the water in your Greenhouse. If your work is ahead, but if you do not have water, you need to arrange it as soon as possible. Because of this, if you cannot do this, you cannot pay the right amount in your harvest in your crop because your crop is produced healthily.
1. Other Seasonal Crops:
In greenhouse farming, we are using most of the prestigious energy in the glass room or greenhouse in the trade or greenhouse. So in this greenhouse, those crops are also fruitful, which are usually in other times of the year. If you can produce crops like this, you will benefit a lot. Because if you can provide fresh vegetable market throughout the year, which is usually available at a particular time of the year, but the demand for your product all over the year will always be more.
2. Good Quality Crop:
A special advantage of farming simulator 17 greenhouse is that you do not use natural energy directly to use him in such a way that it affects more carefully to harvest. So the crops made in your greenhouse are more superior to other crops.
3. Controlling Insects, Germs and Diseases:
Another advantage of farming in Greenhouse is that any animals or non-animal animals do not easily come to the harvest. As a result, the impact of the disease can be very compromised in your fossil. And so if you have very little masses, you can easily protect your crop from insects, germs, and various diseases in your farming place.

1. Need Huge Money At The Starting:
A greenhouse is quite astray actual work made from the very first. Because of this, there is also a lot of money to give this difficult task to give the penalty. So you have to be ready to take a lot of money to start this farming. Because if you do not have money, you cannot prepare greenhouses properly that will have a lot of impact on your crop.
2. High Production Cost:
The production of crops in Greenhouse is very high. However, production costs to keep the high quality. So before you start farming, you have to spend a lot of money before starting production every time.
3. Skill:
You have to be aware of every step of that cultivation if you seeded in Greenhouse. Although just aware, work is not deceitful. You or your employee must skill in that work. And if it does not, then you cannot produce high-quality crops in any way.
#Greenhouse Farming Business:
The greenhouse has now brought a lot of changes in agriculture. If someone can properly prepare a greenhouse and maintain it, they can produce a lot of vegetables and indigenous agricultural crops in very few places. Because of this, this greenhouse is currently using a lot of money. It was very costly when it was initially used to use Greenhouse. However, due to modern technology, it is possible to prepare a greenhouse at a very low cost. Because of that, the greenhouse is considered a medium of business. And through this, many young entrepreneurs are starting businesses and earn a lot of money.
But if we start a greenhouse business, we need to know very well about it. Because of this, this business is very easy, but there are many small steps in this business work. And if we forget one of these steps, we may face many problems in long-term business activities. If we start a business without knowing all steps, then it will be late to improve our business, but rather it may be harmed as well.

Due to the expansion of modern technology in agriculture, now the cultivation of vegetables across the country is not enough then its production demand outside the season. With this, due to some opportunities for unscrupulous business and reserves, due to high prices of vegetables outside the season, the middle-class buyer of the middle class became the nomination. In the filled season, the farmers are not facing losses without getting the right price. It is possible to fulfill the needs of the public nutrients as the expansion of vegetables in the greenhouse. On the other hand, on the other hand, it is possible to reduce the violence of dishonest businessmen and laborers.