India is a major agricultural country. Agriculture is our lifeblood. Farmers are the artisans of our economic development. Prosperity in the agricultural sector means ensuring national food security. If agriculture and farmers survive, India will survive. The awakening of Indian civilization started around agriculture. Developed countries are making great changes in farming tools with the help of modern technology. Even in agricultural India, the use of appropriate technology in agriculture is increasing day by day.
Farming mechanization is essential to increase food production with the population growth. In various researches, we can see that if the energy in the farming field increases, the production increases. So we need to increase the powers in the farming field. Keeping this matter in mind, our country India invented modern farming tools that depended on the farmers’ financial capability. At present time, due to the low cost of diesel engines and the availability of power tillers in urban areas of the country, various power-based equipment has been invented.
# Modern Farming Tools and Their Uses:
There are lots of farming tools names and easily available in the market. From fixing the ground to harvesting in every path we need agriculture farming tools. We can see various types of farming tools in modern era:
a. Combines:
If we discuss modern farming tools and their uses then one of the best examples is combining tools. This machine is doing the job of harvesting instead of old farming tools like tractors. But there are still the majority of tractors in Indian farming tools. The task of this machine is till the modern farming fields, planting seeds, and doing another task. It beautifully prepares the soil with tillage implement. The plow is one of the best farming tools in India but the use of it is less for combined machinery.
b. Planters:
Planter is most common type of seeder. It is the upgrade of traditional farming tools that can easily places seeds out equally in long rows. It has two or three apart. In some crops production drills used for planting seeds but here much more seeds uses in fewer rows. This machine is automated that help to transplanting seeding task to the field. Planters reduce the plastics automatically which are used previous in the field.
c. Sprayers:
After planting we must need other farming tools name as sprayers to pesticides and fertilizers. This innovative method guards the crops against weeds. To protect the crops it uses fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides. This method helps to grow the crops.
d. Balers and other equipment:
Balers are the modern irrigation tools that help to packages the grass in wintertime. It stores the crops. The other equipment like pumps and engines used for providing water quickly at the large field.
It is one of the best examples of modern farming tools. These four wheelers are very much handy and using it’s very funny. It is better for those people who have large property to hauling the harvest. Various models are available in the market.
f. Farm Truck:
For carrying huge amount of crops you must need a truck. If you have distance of your farming field and facing the problems of carrying then must buy farm truck to make your task easy.
g. Wagon:
Wagon is one of the best farming tools with four wheels wooden equipment. The main task of it is to moving hay or hauling hay.
h. Cultivator:
This is mainly used for cultivating the soil. As we know that most of farmers used this for controlling weed before planting.
i. Cultipacker:
Cultipacker is placed behind a tractor to pulled seedbeds before seed planting for better connect with seed to soil.
j. Plow
There are various types of modern plow available. So you need to select the proper plow for your farm. The plow is used to cut into and turn over all the soil in the field. Here the three types of modern plow:

- Chisel Plow
- Moldboard plows
- Disk Plow
k. Harrows:
It is placed behind an ATV or tractor for leveling the soil surface. It’s save your farming time. It is very handy and smooth for using.
l. Mowers:
Mower plays important role to cutting the crops. It makes your task very easy as it is very handy and easy for use.
m. Rakes:
Rakes are very essential tools for farming for making hay that is placed behind the trucks. The advantages and disadvantages are depending on the quality of hay cutting task.
# Traditional Farming Tools:
1. Plough:
The plough is one of the best examples of traditional farming tools and the oldest domestic implements used in farming. It is mainly pulled by cows, buffaloes, or horses. Exactly when and where the plough was introduced is not known. However, plough has been used in prehistoric times. In the beginning, the plough was made entirely of wood. In the Iron Age (1200-600 BC) the use of plough with iron blades began. There are traces of plough use in Bengal in the early seventh century. Its main function is to turn the soil upside down and break up the soil lumps so that the nutrients in the subsoil can rise to the top.
2. Yoke:
It was used with plough and situated in the middle of plough. That traditional method of plowing the field is almost extinct at present time.
3. Leveller:
Levellers are generally made with local woods and the shafts are prepared with bamboo sticks. Placing stones in it, extra weight added here. For leveling the land this tool was used.
4. Harrow:
Harrow is a type of plank made with iron pegs or wood and the handle made with bamboo. These old farming tools used for uprooting weeds and breaking the soil after rainfall.
5. Mallot:
Its handle attached with wooden block and used for clods block.
6. Khilna:
Khilna is one of the most used traditional farming tools that were made of wood and iron. The main task of this was to uproot the weeds.
7. Kudali:
We all are familiar with kudali. At present time, we use this tool for various works. The main task of it is tillage pruning, irrigation, and drainage at the base of the tree. Harvesting and tending both used for less land.
8. Wooden Pole:
This is used for separate the grains from maize through the beating action.
9. Wooden Pin:
Wooden pin used for removing the outer covering of the maize cobs made with bamboo sticks.
10. Bamboo basket:
Bamboo baskets used for carrying crops or grains and very essential tools for farming in a traditional way.
11. Suhaga:
Suhaga used for threshing paddy and wheat. It is the best example of traditional farming tools.
12. Tokri:
This small sized bamboo basket used for carrying grains.
13. Hand mill:
Hand mill used for crush the pulses and grains.
14. Winnower:
It is help to divide the grains from husk.
15. Sieve:
Sieve helps to divide various types of grains for removal.
16. Sack:
It used for store farm production and collecting other farming tools. This sack made of leather in traditional times, but now it made of jute.
17. Shearer:
Shearer is using for shear the wools.
18. Skinner:
It used for taking off the skin of sheep and goats.
19. Pine:
It is a type of collecting the needles tools.
Other traditional farming tools are wedge, hammer, jumper, shovel, axe, and hand saw.
#Farming Tools In India:
One of the major driving forces for the sustainable development of the farming sector is the tools and equipment using in farming. It increases agricultural production, reduces crop losses, and reduces farming costs. Tools and equipment for farming increase the productivity of natural resources and reduces the cost of various fields involved in agricultural work. The Department of Agricultural Equipment and Technology has undertaken several initiatives under the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.
The special emphasis laid on the development of machinery and equipment used in agriculture in the country. Several initiatives take to increase the use of machinery in agriculture. As a part of this, a project started in April 2014 to facilitate the machinery and equipment used in farming. In India both traditional and modern farming tools used for cultivation.
#Advantages Or Benefits:
1. Save Lots Of Money:
Equipment using in farming can save lots of money. If you hire employees for cultivating you may provide them a good amount. And also need more farmers to do farming. But if you use farming equipment then it can reduce the hiring of employees. For professional workers, you must spend more money but for equipment, you don’t need to think about that point.
2. Save Lots Of Time:
It’s said that there is more power of equipment than human power. Here proving for you one example for better understands; one manpower can do a task less than a machine. A machine takes less time to complete a task but in the same way, a man needs more time to complete the task. Traditional equipment also takes more time than modern farming equipment.
3. Produce Huge Crops:
Modern farming tools help to produce huge crops as it can do better tillage, plow, harvest, cutting and maintains overall task beautifully. Traditional tools produce crops less than modern tools.
4. Increase The Efficiency:
Using the tools in farming can increase the efficiency among the farmers. If the farmers learn to drive the tractors for crops production then it can develop their ability. They can easily learn the use of technology. Modern tools help them to improve the efficiency.
At the end of this informative content, we hope you know lots of information about farming tools. The better path is to accept the upgrading technologies for better results. Modern farming tools help you in various ways and enhance the fortune. You will be benefited using tools powers.