India, our country is mainly agriculture-based country. Here maximum people are farmers. Their livelihood totally depends on farming both professionally and financially. In total population, 70 percent of people in India are directly and indirectly dependent on farming. Of them, maximum is belonging to minor and small farmers. Though the innovation of modern farming technology changed many forms of farming but in limited spaces. For financial improvement, farmers prefer to do commercial farming. Just not for their better lifestyle but also to develop the nation.
In this post, our main aim is to explore all details about commercial farming. Also, try to discuss how many Indian farmers improving themselves doing this farming. I also try to explain the proper commercial farming definition.
What Is Commercial Farming?
Commercial farming is the practice of growing and rearing crops and animals for profitable reasons. It is the large-scale production of crops and animals mainly focused on export outside. So, Farmers do this commercial agriculture to achieve profitable economic growth. To better define commercial farming we can say, a modern farming method that is mainly practiced improving the economic rate of a nation. The commercial agriculture particularly noticeable in developed areas with low population density and high arable land.
Commercial agriculture needs a large number of farming fields, high-yielding seeds, chemical fertilizers, and modern farming tools to achieve higher productivity. A few examples are sugar cane, coffee, tea, cashew, cotton, rubber, etc.
#Commercial Farming Types:
1. Grain Farming:
For commercial purposes, grain farming like corns wheat, and barley are cultivated and exported for human consumption. The grain farming process is one of the best parts of commercial cultivation. In this agricultural process, farmers need to have a sufficient amount of cultivating lands, modern farming machinery, and skilled farmers. It is better to cultivate in the proper season.
2. Dairy Farming:
Dairy farming is the production of milk and it is mainly for commercial purposes. The farmers do cattle farming that helps to produce dairy products. For example, we can show how donkeys rear in Italy to get milk as an alternative source. As well, Animals like goats, sheep, and camels are reared besides cows for dairy production.
3. Plantation Farming:
Plantation farming is a highly sensitive type of commercial farming. This farming method was practiced during slavery and the colonial period. Plantation farm practice needs a large number of farming fields and of course laborers. This farming practice provides big opportunities to open international export of products.
4. Mediterranean Agriculture:
In Mediterranean countries, for commercially this farming has done from ancient times. This farming method totally depends on the climate of those areas.
5. Livestock Ranching:
Livestock means the rearing practice of animals for their meat, milk, and skin purpose. The most common animals are reared like sheep, cows, poultry, pig, goat, etc. So, the main goal is to take valuable products like meat, milk, and skin from them and export them to foreign countries.
6. Commercial Gardening and Fruit Farming:
This practice of agriculture needs huge market demand that may be from local or outside. So, Cultivating flowers, vegetables, and fruits for commercial purposes is also observable in many countries. Don’t go the distance; we can see the example in our own small town or village where the farmers grow flowers gardens, fruits, and vegetables for selling purposes.
7. Mixed Crop and Livestock Farming:
We on other posts knew details about mixed farming and this process of agriculture brings huge benefits to farmers. Mixed crops and livestock farming are types of commercial worm farming. Practicing both animals and plants at the same time and on the same land is very profitable for the farmers.

Below are some effective features of commercial agriculture:
1. Farming land:
The most important feature of commercial practice is the framing of land. The farmers who are interested to do this, need a large farming field. As small land can’t be able to bring profit for the farmers.
2. Labour:
Labour is also an important fact for that. For good production of crops or animals skilled and professional labor plays vital roles. From reaping to harvesting, in every moment you need labor. But you must need to assure that they skill at their tasks, if not, you may face huge losses.
3. Use of technology:
The use of modern farming technology in commercial cultivation is one of the best features. For this cultivation, farmers need to hire or buy modern farming equipment, advanced technology, and proper knowledge of commercial farming. Hiring low-quality machinery and unskilled laborers can bring lose for you.
4. Market:
In commercial farming, the market is a very important part or feature. For selling products, farmers need a proper marketplace. The amount of production per capita is much higher. So, a small portion of the crop produced used for food. Most of the crops are exported to the market.
5. Production:
Grain specialization is seen in this farming. So, wheat and maize are mainly cultivated in the land as cereals. Barley, oat, rye, and soybean are cultivated in some places. The orchards are connected to the port or to the nearest export hub through improved transportation. Since most of the markets are outside, so the products are exported by sea.

1. Increase the production:
By doing commercial farming farmers can increase the production of the crop. As we know that in this farming farmers need a large number of farming fields and modern farming machinery. So it is common fact that the production will be higher than normal farming method.
2. Proper utilize of machinery and electricity:
This farming properly utilizes electricity and modern machinery to increase the power supply of where this farming practice. As the power supplying local areas, the people who are living there take advantage of this benefit.
3. Easily accessible to everyone:
For the development of crops production, all agricultural products and goods are easily and quickly accessible to everyone. As well as, it helps to fulfill all demands that stock for emergencies.
4. Create vacancies:
The area where commercial cultivation practice generates huge job space for the locals. Local workers provide their labors to produce the best crops production. Instead, they earn good money and enable to ensure a good lifestyle for family members. So, besides it also increases the local growth of the economy.
5. Lowering the cost of production:
Method of commercial cultivation lowers the total budget of the production. As there are easily available of workers in India who can effort in product crops. The main thing is that you can easily arrange enough workers for this cultivation with low expenses.
6. Main source of raw production:
Besides earning foreign money it helps to collect raw production. One example provided here, if a farmer produces raw fruits like mango, pineapple for commercial purposes and sells them to confectionaries industries to produce juice or other drinks.

1. Destroy natural rainforest:
To supply a large number of farming fields we need to cut our forest and also rainforest. In India, many rainforests cut down to make up farming land. That is very much worse for the environment, especially for humans. All acts have negative impacts on us.
2. Promote chemical fertilizer:
Day by day commercial farming develops randomly. It’s becoming the main profession of most villagers in India. Any unused land has become farmland for them. At present time there are many lands that are available for farming. To produce more and more production of crops the use of chemical fertilizer increased rapidly.
3. Required preservation techniques:
To storage large amounts of produced crops, the farmers need to follow preservation techniques. So, if they are unable to sell them in proper times.
4. Need high capital for production:
In the beginning time, the farmers need high capital for commercial production. This may be risky for them if they are unable to reach profit. From the use of modern machinery to workers every step they need to invest.
#Commercial Chicken Farming in India:
India has achieved records on commercial chicken farming. Those who were suffering from unemployment, now take the poultry farming business. The chicken farming business provides many young men employment. There are 3 million farmers who do chicken farming in India. The growth of the poultry business is notable last few years. And of course, various government schemes hugely impact youngsters to do professional business on commercial chicken farming. From urban to rural areas this business increasing and making its paths. With some effective plans, this business can start in every corner of India.