Livestock agriculture has a significant role in the economic development of agricultural India. From the antiquities, people of this country are involved in rearing livestock for their livelihood. There are huge contributions of livestock in the GDP sector of India. Essential food material for the human body is produced (milk, meat, and leather) for this substitution. About 22% of the population is directly and 50% indirectly dependent on the livestock sector. Notable goals of Millennium Development Targets are related to poverty alleviation, equality of men and women, and empowerment of women with livestock sector. So the government has imposed special emphasis on the development of this sector especially on cattle farming.
Meanwhile, the farmers are showing interest in the modern farming technology in cattle farming which has been reflected in the huge production of milk, meat, and leather in the country. In this post, we will discuss beef cattle farming for beginners and how to make money farming cattle with all details. So don’t skip the article if you want to stock essential information.
#What Is A Cattle Farming?
Cattle farming is the form of cultivation for the business purpose of rearing bulls, cows, goats, and oxen. The main purpose of this cultivation is to increase the dairy, meat, and leather business. In various countries, this farming increase day by day, and the farmers are benefited from this business. The farming of cattle is related to two types of purposes one is for labor purposes (irrigation and plowing of the field) and the second one is for business purposes (dairy, meat, and leather). For this good management of the animal is required to improve the production of milk.
#Types of Cattle Farming:
Cow farming:
The farmers do cow farming for milk, meat, and leather. In various countries, beef cattle farming for business purposes increases randomly. There are huge demands for beef in the world marketplace. So many institutions opened for teaching the skill of beef cattle farming for beginners and that help the farmers to earn money. The dairy products mostly come from cow farming. This farming is done for milk purposes. Here the examples of some types of cows:
- Red Sindhi
- Gir
- Sahiwal
- Khillari
- Amritmahal
- Hallikar
- Alambadi
- Hariyana
- Ongole
- Krishna valley
Goat farming:
There are many types of goat breeds all over the world. Some of these breeds are famous for their meat and some breeds for dairy. Many also use them as pets. There are about 300 breeds of goats in the world. They differ from each other in size, volume, and features. They are commonly used for milk, meat, and skin. Not all goats are used for all types. If they are needed for business, good breed goats should always be used.
Many people benefitted by farming goats in their homes. This farming method is done for the purpose of getting meat and milk. Mainly to fulfill the demand for meat in the market we do goat cattle farming. Milk production isn’t increased like cow farming and also leather. There are various methods of goat farming. Some examples of goats are:
- Alpine
- Black Bengal
- Repeatedly
- Don
- Irish
- Kiko
- Khari
Bull farming:
Bull or oxen are related to the family of cows. It is an example of reproduction. Bull is mainly farmed for meat and leather. The demand for meat and leather of bull is huge. The farmers can benefit hugely from it. In urban areas, the bull is rearing for the purpose of labor. They use them for irrigation and plowing in their farming field. It is also used as Transportation in the village areas.
Buffalo farming:
Buffalo farming has been taking the place of cow farming in economical growth. It is seen in black, gray, or brown in color. It works as the power of cultivation of agricultural work, products transportation at a nearby distance, to drag the vehicle for people, for milk, meat, and leather. There is a huge importance of buffalo farming. Below are some types of buffalos:
- Murrah
- Carabao
- Nagpuri
- Nilu- Ravi
- Romanian
- Surti
- Buffalypso
Animal resources play an important role in the farmers’ livelihood and are considered as most profitable agricultural-related business. The appropriate animal resources management is the key to the health of a living animal as well as a profitable animal husbandry business.
We have listed some best ways to apply for farmers in the case of livestock, which makes your cattle farming easier so that you can get better profits from your cattle:

1. Handling:
The farmers must have the skills of handling animals. They must ensure the good health of the cattle animals by prevents and injuries to them. Most people are dependent on animals for livelihood. Take care of your celebrated creature properly for profit. Give them balanced food and clean water. Balanced food production makes a lot of increase. Let them take a rest. If there is any disease, consult the doctor. Please provide a timely vaccine.
There are several technologies for the facility to test the perfect examination of animals. Imaging tools and livestock scales help farmers to make them know about the health of animal health and to make known the type of food. These automatic livestock scales are chronic, their value in a lot and they help farmers in a number of cases.
2. Grazing:
For the development of animals, grazing is very important. After a few weeks, farmers must graze their animals in a meadow. Always choose rich food in nutrient content, so that your cattle are able to hold their best manufacturing ability. A low amount of red mum and variability of food – milk, and meat will maximize the production of both. Animals should eat less than human food and their abundant fiber foods should be fed, it will improve their overall nutrition-synthesis and disease prevention power.
3. Housing:
Place the straw on the roof of the house built for animal residence so that the roof may not heat. Keep the animal under the shadowy tree. Place wood sacks or wet sacks to avoid the flow of hot air in place of animals, so that the animal’s residence is cool. Do not tie more animals in a room and keep animals in open space at night. In order to protect the animals from the sunny areas, a screen of jute can plant in the main door.
The presence of shady trees around the habitat of the animal helps keep the temperature of the cattle less. If the roof of the cow’s house is concrete, then the animals will get a lot of comfort from the heat of 4-6 inch thick grass. In this process, domestic animals can properly cared and milk production can increase. The farmer’s economy will be strong in this.
4. Fly Control:
The harmful flies carry lots of diseases for the animals. The diseases that spread from flies can cause of death of cattle animals. So the farmers need to always clean the house and take care of the animals. Most of the time, the owners are used chemical products to reduce the flies that mix with the air and foods of the cattle animals. So the farmers avoid this problem to ensure the better health of the animals.
5. Reproduction:
To guarantee a consistent stock of milk and to have calves for cowhide and veal, proliferation is vital. In any case, whenever left to practice their own will, cows will infrequently become pregnant consistently, given the psychological and actual cost that pregnancy takes on their bodies. Thus cow ranch the board includes managed impregnation to guarantee that the cow gets pregnant consistently with great qualities, guaranteeing a nonstop stock of milk, meat, and different items for people.
More than once conceiving an offspring prompts breaks of the uterus and debilitating of their bodies a long way in front of the standard timescale. Following 5-6 years of persistently conceiving an offspring, they shipped off to be butchered. In certain nations that don’t permit cows to butcher, they are rather left in the city, where they can ultimately pass on from eating plastic.

#Advantages of Cattle Farming:
Meets Our Essential Nutrients:
The most important thing is that we get essential nutrients from the cattle animals. We get milk and meat from those animals that help to fulfill our daily nutritional values. Using milk we produce healthy and tasty items that are very important for our daily life.
Low Cost Construction House:
The budget for the construction house of the cattle animal is very small. You can prepare the house at your own home using some materials. You don’t need to cover up all the house just use the shed above. And use drums to keep their food. All are low budget.
Keep More Animals:
You can keep more cattle animals in one house and rear them easily. Keeping the animals in one place can save food as well as save your money for that.
Produce Natural Gas:
Rearing and raising cattle animals can produce natural gas using their feces. This natural gas can reduce chemical gas uses. We can produce natural gas from feces and use this in our everyday life big example is cooking gas. The feces of those animals can be used in the farming field.
Financial Growth:
For our financial improvement, we can do cattle farming besides other jobs. By raising the animals we can get money from milk production, leather business, and meat. Various industries are built depending on this cultivation of animals.
Useful for Everyday Life:
Though the technology increased we can see the use of animals for transportation purposes, for irrigation and plowing on the farming field the use of cattle animal also observed.
#Disadvantages of Cattle Farming:
Environment Pollution:
Does cattle farming cause environmental pollution? Yes, it is. Various studies show that a cow produces 30 above-liter feces every day and now imagine if you have more than 80 above cows on your farm then what happens. Where you throw these wastes of the animals, it causes air pollutions, soil pollution, and water pollutions. If you anytime visit any leather industry or meat market then observe the environment of those places, the pollutions of those places. It is true from those wastes can produce very harmful diseases. It is important to keep those wastages in one place without throwing them here and there and always clean the places where you kept the animals.
Easily Diseased:
It is known to all of us that the animals of cattle are easily got diseases. As they are rising together in a small place, infected by the insects, unhealthy environment, not given proper food and other reasons they haven’t built immunity power. So diseases can easily affect them. To avoid this you need the proper management system in your cattle farm.
Difficult To Diagnose:
Most of the time, it is very difficult to diagnose the disease of the animals in cattle farming methods. As we can’t able to invent modern technology for animal diagnosis. Besides, it is very difficult to manage an animal like a cow for proper treatment.
Food Wastes:
The wastes of food are one of the problems in this farming method. Most farmers kept the animals in a small place and provide those animals food, water. But for fighting with each other the animals waste food and throw them outside the drum.
Fight with Each Other:
For keeping the animals together in short places or small farmhouses they fight with each other for getting food and other reasons. This cause a huge loss for the farm owners.

#How to Make Money Farming Cattle?
The cattle farming business hugely impacts our life. If we follow the proper strategies then it can bring good income for us. Below are some tips that help you to know how to make money farming cattle.
Buying and selling cattle animal business:
Many business people depend on the animal buying and selling business. They buy young animals at a low cost and raise them at their farmhouse feeding them so that they can get the proper value of those. This business is very profitable in a short time. At that time when the animal becomes perfect for selling they sell them in a good amount in the market.
Dairy products:
You can earn money by the cattle farming that belongs to the dairy products. You can start a dairy farming business on milk, paneer, cheese, sweet shops, ghee, candy, and chocolates, and so on. There are huge demands of those businesses in the market. The dairy industries are growing randomly day by day. So with small budgets, you can build your profitable business. Milk from cows, goats, buffaloes is available and very healthy.
Meat business:
To provide all nutrients facts of our body we need to take meat in our food habits. You can make money starting a business on meat. The technology helps to preserve meat for a long time that reducing the heavy loss on this business. This business is very effective and profitable. There is a huge demand for beef, mutton, and buffalo’s meat in the world market.
Leather business:
Starting a leather business of the animal is a good idea to make some extra money. To fulfill the demand for daily essential accessories leather plays a vital role. The fancy people love to decorate their home with leather products, decorate their bodies with leather, and preserve other attractive accessories. So there are huge demands for leather and we all know that. Buffalo and cow’s leathers are used mostly for the leather industries.
Ploughing the farming land:
Do you know that in many urban areas the farmers use bulls for irrigation and plowing their farming field? Yes, it is true. The traditional farming method needs bulls to manage the fields. Many people raise the bulls for farming business purposes.
#Cattle Farming In India:
Yet India’s most cattle fulfilled in the world, but India could not improve in the milk processing industry. For various reasons behind this are every day in populated countries like India there is widespread raw milk demand, there is no necessary milk in the dairy processing industry. There is a lack of advanced species of livestock in India. Most of India’s cattle followed in unhealthy environments. The animal tired of diseases and reduces the production of milk. Warm livestock like India is used in the normal development of livestock in the seasonal climate area.
In India, milk cannot be collected from the rural areas and cannot be brought to a very fast conservation center, the fastest gravity of milk. As a result, milk cannot be taken to the milk processing industry excluding without improved transport. For the development of the dairy processing industry, today, the lack of development of the central government, the lack of scientific preparation, and improved infrastructure are enough tested enough.